Let's Get Crafty!

Unleash your inner artist! Dive into the world of creativity without needing a full studio or tons of supplies. Our art kits are here to spark your imagination.

No need to worry about perfection, just let the creativity flow. Embrace the process and enjoy the journey of creating something unique. The scissors and glue are all you need to bring your ideas to life.

#StickWithUs #CreativityUnleashed

Want to invite me to teach a class? See offerings.

Inspiration Decks

Build your own set of inspiration cards with words, images, and ephemera.

Prayer Cards

Collage your own inspiration cards. 2.5” x 2.5” art + backing cards. Perfect for breath prayers or meditation words.

From My Collection
to Yours (de-stash)

We all have a lot of things. Maybe something I am done with is exactly what your project needs.